What it is: It is rich in fatty acids and forms a protective barrier on the skin’s surface. It has deep moisturizing properties.

Mode of usage pertaining to the discussion below: Topical application in cosmetics and personal care products.

Safety in special situations:

Pregnancy Women
Not listed as an ingredient to be avoided by pregnant women based on currently available data
Nursing Mother
Not listed as an ingredient to be avoided by nursing mothers based on currently available data
Babies under 2 years
Not listed as an ingredient to be avoided in baby products based on currently available data
Not listed as an ingredient to be avoided by children based on currently available data
Cancer Free
Not listed as an ingredient to be carcinogenic or mutagenic based on currently available data

    Environmental and Ecological Concerns:

    Yes Icon
    Safe for Use Icon
    Safe for Use Icon
    Synthetic Origin
    Safe for Use Icon


    Safe for Use Icon
    acne prone skin
    Safe for Use Icon
    sensitive skin
    Not known to sensitize skin


    • Comedogenicity of this ingredient may vary between different products and it depends on the concentration used in the overall formulation.

    Safety Profile (Based on regional guidelines):

    European Union – CIR Safe to use, as per current practice
    European Union – SCCS No data available
    US FDA No data available
    ASEAN guidelines No data available

    As per the above regional guidelines, Hydrogenated Olive Oil is safe as per the current practice of use.


    1. https://online.personalcarecouncil.org
    2. https://european-union.europa.eu/index_en

    Disclaimer: The above information is based on ongoing toxicology research at CHOSEN®’s R&D. We will do our best to update the information as and when the latest studies are available. If you have any inputs regarding the above information, please email us at ingredients@chosenstore.in