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Skin and Hair Care Products for Pre Teens

Non-Nano Zinc Mineral Sunscreens

SAFESCREEN Brigade Road.png__PID:e28d0d8c-216e-4a46-8fd4-0f33a0b4e437

SAFESCREEN® Brigade Road Sunscreen SPF 50+

Rs. 2,063.00

SAFESCREEN Madras Marina.png__PID:7db89c1b-c253-432c-9a71-0f2f62249e39

SAFESCREEN® Madras Marina Sunscreen SPF 40+

Rs. 1,595.00

SAFESCREEN SEASUN.png__PID:b89c1bc2-5333-4c1a-b10f-2f62249e393e

SAFESCREEN® Seasun Sunscreen SPF 30+

Rs. 980.00

Oil-Free Face Moisturizer

OptiMIST WaterBody Aqua.png__PID:d57db89c-1bc2-4333-ac1a-710f2f62249e

OptiMIST WaterBody® Aqua

Rs. 1,300.00

Nourishing Natural Body Moisturizers

SMOO Fresh.png__PID:d5d6764a-a932-4ecb-9c17-dd0c68312356

SMOO® Moisturizing Crème Fresh for Body

Rs. 1,276.00

SMOO Light.png__PID:d6764aa9-320e-4b1c-97dd-0c68312356f1

SMOO® Moisturizing Crème Light for Body

Rs. 1,276.00

Frizz Control Hair Serums

Child's Play.png__PID:50816252-cc9c-47a9-a28d-0d8c216e7a46

Child's Play™ Hair Detangler

Rs. 852.00

Giovanni Frizz Begone.png__PID:ee2fd57d-b89c-4bc2-9333-2c1a710f2f62

Giovanni Frizz Be Gone Hair Serum 81ml

Rs. 895.00

Gentle Face Washes

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser.png__PID:dfb752be-9029-4194-abdb-3cdb022510d1

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

Rs. 399.00

Face Clin Face Wash.png__PID:f0ee2fd5-7db8-4c1b-8253-332c1a710f2f

Face Clin Face Wash

Rs. 550.00

Cetaphil Cleansing Foam.png__PID:4ad128f0-ee2f-457d-b89c-1bc253332c1a

Cetaphil Foaming Cleanser 236ml

Rs. 990.00

Sebamed Cleansing Foam.png__PID:9c1bc253-332c-4a71-8f2f-62249e393ea7

Sebamed Clear Face Cleansing Foam 150ml

Rs. 605.00

Body Washes

Sebamed Fresh Shower.png__PID:1bc25333-2c1a-410f-af62-249e393ea772

Sebamed Fresh Shower Gel 200ml

Rs. 695.00

Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash.png__PID:b7ecca4a-d128-40ee-afd5-7db89c1bc253

Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash 354ml

Rs. 900.00

Bioderma Cleansing Oil.png__PID:ecca4ad1-28f0-4e2f-957d-b89c1bc25333

Bioderma Atoderm Cleansing Oil 200ml

Rs. 1,499.00


Ducray Anaphase.png__PID:28f0ee2f-d57d-489c-9bc2-53332c1a710f

Ducray Anaphase+ Shampoo

Rs. 940.00

Giovanni Papaya.png__PID:2fd57db8-9c1b-4253-b32c-1a710f2f6224

Giovanni Tangerine & Papaya Shampoo 250ml

Rs. 895.00

Bioderma Node G.png__PID:ca4ad128-f0ee-4fd5-bdb8-9c1bc253332c

Bioderma Node G Purifying Shampoo 400ml

Rs. 1,990.00